
Learn Ruby the Hard Way

by Zed Shaw

Example 8

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# the variable formatter is being assigned a series of 4 string formatters
# that will take 4 arguments 
formatter = "%s %s %s %s"

# the method puts prints the variable formatter; using string 
# interpolation it prints the arguments of integers that follow
puts formatter % [1,2,3,4]

# the method puts prints the variable formatter; using string
# interpolation it prints the arguments of 4 strings that follow
puts formatter % ["one","two","three","four"]

# the method puts prints the variable formatter; using string
# interpolation it prints the arguments of 4 boolean values that follow
puts formatter % [true, false, false, true]

# the method puts prints the variable formatter; using string
# interpolation it prints the arguments of 4 variables of itself
puts formatter % [formatter, formatter, formatter, formatter]

# the method puts prints the variable formatter; using string
# interpolation it prints the arguments of 4 strings that follow
puts formatter % [
    "I had this thing.",
    "That you could type up right.",
    "But it didn't sing.",
    "So I said goodnight."

# the method puts prints the variable formatter; using string
# interpolation it prints the arguments of itsel, a boolean value, 
# a strings and an integer that follow
puts formatter % [ formatter, true, "But it didn't sing.", 4]