
Learn Ruby the Hard Way

by Zed Shaw

Example 6

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# the variable x is being assigned  with the following string;
# Using string interpolation the integer 10 is embeded inside the string
x = "There are #{10} types of people."

# the variable binary is being assigned  with the string binary
binary = "binary"

# the variable don't is being assigned  with the string do_not
do_not = "don't"

# the variable y is being assigned  with the following string
# Using string interpolation the variable binary and do_not is embeded inside the string
y = "Those who know #{binary} and those who #{do_not}."

# the method puts prints the variable x to the screen
puts x

# the method puts prints the variable y to the screen
puts y

# the method puts prints the string and using string interpolation 
# embeds the variable x
puts "I said: #{x}."

# the method puts prints the string to the screen; 
# using string interpolation it embeds the variable y
puts "I also said: '#{y}'"

# the variable hilarious is being assigned with the boolean value false
hilarious = false

# the method puts prints the string and using string interpolation 
# embeds the variable y
joke_evaluation = "Isn't that joke so funny?! #{hilarious}"

# the method puts prints the variable joke_evaluation
puts joke_evaluation 

# the variable w is being assigned with the following string
w = "This is the left side of..."

# the variable e is being assigned with the following string
e = "a string with a right side."

# the method puts prints the variables w and e
puts w + e